Online Therapy for Colorado & Illinois

Providing Mindful, Compassionate Care

I’m Dr. Liz Culnan, a Licensed Clinical Health Psychologist serving patients located in Colorado and Illinois. I specialize in:

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Perinatal Mental Health and Reproductive Health Psychology

  • Behavioral Sleep Medicine

I use evidence-based psychotherapies, meaning methods that have been tested by empirical research, and have been shown to work well.

My approach is collaborative; your therapy will be tailored to meet you where you’re at.

Providing Treatment For:

  • Anxiety can often feel like it's driving the bus - either by telling you to avoid things completely, or by stealing your attention while you suffer through something that's important to you. I can help you to mindfully, and actively work towards coping with anxiety in a way that allows you to build the life you want.

  • Depression can make it difficult to do the things that you want to do, or even if you're trying to engage in your life, can make it hard to experience joy. While we can't always change our emotions, I can work with you to mindfully and actively engage in a life you value. Often decreased depressive symptoms follow an increase in valued activity.

  • Society often teaches us that becoming a parent is easy, when it is anything but. This transition involves a huge role shift, which I can support you through. This may look like working on communication skills with your partner, developing a new sense of identity, and helping you to label and cope with challenging emotions you may be experiencing.

  • Trying to conceive is such a vulnerable time, often characterized by worry, heartache, longing, and disenfranchised grief. I can provide support during this time and help with processing grief and in developing coping skills to manage the array of emotions you may be experiencing during this time.

  • PMDD symptoms can make you feel like you need an entirely different set of coping strategies during the time when you are symptomatic. I can help you to develop tools to manage your PMDD symptoms. This may include things like working on communication skills and working on new distress tolerance and emotional regulation strategies.

  • The biological changes and role shifts that occur during pregnancy and the postpartum period can influence the risk of developing or exacerbating an already present anxiety, depressive, or trauma-related disorder. Similarly, anxiety, depression, or trauma that we thought we had laid to rest can re-emerge and impact our ability to care for ourselves and to be present or to bond with our children. I can help you to cope with these symptoms in a way that helps you to care for yourself and also to bond with your little one in the way you desire.

  • Birth does not always go to plan or as we imagined it might. It is common to experience trauma symptoms after a traumatic birth. Additionally, prior trauma symptoms can be re-activated when giving birth. I can help you to process your trauma, and to put it into context, which can help decrease symptoms like intrusive memories and nightmares that you may be experiencing.

  • Losing a pregnancy creates a form of disenfranchised grief that is often not acknowledged or discussed. I can provide support during this time, and can help you with processing grief.

  • When we aren’t sleeping well, it can be challenging to function at work, socially, and with our families. Thinking about sleep itself can turn into something anxiety-provoking. Luckily, we have excellent treatments for sleeping problems, and I have seen how quickly these treatments can help improve or resolve difficulty sleeping. I can help you improve your insomnia symptoms primarily through behavioral changes aimed at improving the body's biological processes and conditioning processes that help with sleep.

  • Circadian rhythm disorders are often misdiagnosed as insomnia. With these disorders, the body's internal clock is out of sync with the societal world. I can help you to shift your sleep schedule to a time that fits best with your life.

  • Nightmares that occur occasionally can be distressing, but are very common. If you're experiencing frequent nightmares that have begun to distress you, I can provide treatment to help decrease nightmare frequency and the severity of the nightmares.

  • Hypersomnia disorders like narcolepsy impact day-to-day functioning to such an extent it can be helpful to have a therapist who has a background in behavioral sleep medicine. I can help you in developing coping tools to manage the distress that comes with having a chronic condition, and also help with problem-solving around routines to help with your daytime sleepiness.